- Information about the locomotive that is being operated is clearly
displayed on a large, back-lit, graphical LCD display.
- Power can come from on-board batteries or track power.
- Outdoor range exceeds 400 feet
- Locomotives are identified by name and road number such as PACIFIC 5305
or MIKADO 3185
- Most transmitter control operations can be done with one hand
- Aristo Craft has already made significant changes to the system based on
testing and Alpha tester feedback and more refinements are sure to come
from the Beta testing process
- Before we start working with the Train Engineer Revolution there are a
few concepts that we need to understand.
- The transmitter and receivers in your locomotives are designed to
communicate and exchange information about the way you want your trains
to operate. In order to
establish a link between them you need to set up options for each
locomotive in the transmitter.
- These include settings like the locomotive’s name and road number,
the top speed that you want it to achieve, the rate at which you want it
to accelerate and how long you want it to delay when its direction of
travel is changed.
- Once these parameters are set the connection between the units is
finalized by a process called “linking”. Once the transmitter and a
locomotive’s receiver are linked together they are set to communicate
and you are ready to run your train
- The second concept has to do with the cab number that is associated with
each locomotive. To link the transmitter to a locomotive you must select
a cab number that will be used to identify it.
- The cab numbers range from Cab-0 through Cab-49. This number is also
used to identify groups of locomotives that you might want to run in a
consist. Locomotives can be
operated independently or grouped for multiple unit operation.
- Cab-0, Cab-1 and Cab-2 might be used to operate three different
locomotives while Cab-3 could be used to operate those same three
locomotives in a consist.
- Changing between single unit (SU) operation and multiple unit (MU)
operation is as simple as selecting a cab number.
- Once you have an opportunity to experience the process used to operate
trains with the TE Revolution I think you will find that Aristo Craft
has found an elegant solution to what can be a complex problem.
- The transmitter’s screen is designed to clearly and logically
display a great deal of information about the locomotive that is under
- The transmitter has operation specific buttons and a set of buttons like
those on a cell phone that are used to enter text or numeric
- The <<T and T>>
buttons select a
locomotive by cab #
- The ▲ & ▼ arrow keys increase or decrease speed
- The ◄ & ► keys change direction
- Stop stops the
selected locomotive
- Menu displays the
main menu
- On / Off turns the unit on or off
- The numeric keypad
is used like the one
on your cell phone
- Pressing “5 jkl” once
- selects “5”, pressing it two times selects “j”,
three times gives “k” and four times gives “l”
- “1 -&/*” is used for punctuation
- “#” is used to enter a space
- While operating a train, keys 1-6 operate auxiliary functions like smoke
or sound
- Holding “all stop” stops all trains
- “#” accesses the auxiliary menu
- The receiver has a
socket for the auxiliary
wiring harness
- There is a “link” switch
on the board and a
socket to mount another off of the board.
- The antenna is only 1.5” long!
- The back of the board
has two headers that
plug into the Plug &
Play socket on most new AristoCraft locomotives
- A wiring harness can be used for non-Plug & Play locomotives
- Both are supported - the choice is up to you!
- Track Power – up to 24 volts DC
- No controller needed – wire the power supply directly to the
- Battery Power
- Aristo Lithium Ion, Gel Cell, NiCad or NiMH up to 24 volts
- Both can be used the on same track
- Remove shell
- & locate Plug
- & Play socket
- Remove
- header
- Identify the 12 and 10 pin headers
- Carefully align the pins and insert the receiver
- Mount the external “link” switch…
- …so it can be easily accessed.
- Press MENU from the main screen
- Select LINK address (00-49)
- Enter a NAME (up to 9 characters)
- Enter a ROAD NUMBER (up to 4 digits)
- Adjust optional
- Momentum
- Delay
- Motor
- Headlight direction
- Headlight on/off
- Top Speed
- Start Speed
- Auxiliary functions
- Press the LINK button on the receiver
- Select m.Linking on the transmitter
- Select 2.USAGE OF CABS
- Choose the highest Cab number that will be used (00-49)
- Select 3.ADD MU/SU CAB
- Select a Cab number
- Leave MU MODE set to OFF
- Select the locomotive by name / link number
- Menu to exit
- From the main menu use <<T and T>> to select the CAB for the
- The ▲ & ▼ arrow keys increase or decrease speed
- The ◄ & ► keys to change direction
- Use 1à 6 to access
auxiliary functions like sound and smoke
- Repeat the steps just completed using a different locomotive, link
address, name and Cab number
- From the main menu select the new Cab number and run the train
- Switch between the two with <<T and T>>
- Stop both by holding “all stop” for 2 seconds
- Eggliner installation web page
- Revolution Manual pages 31-35
- Up to six locomotives can be joined together in a consist (MU)
- Each will retain its own settings
- You do not need to re-link locomotives to put them into a consist!
- Set up your locomotives as single units
- Select 3.ADD MU/SU CAB
- Select a new CAB number
- Turn on MU MODE
- Indentify up to six
pre-defined locomotives under MU1 à MU6
- On the main screen select the MU’s Cab number
- Operate as you would a single unit locomotive
- While operating a consist you can assess each individual
locomotive’s accessory functions by pressing the “*”
- Each locomotive’s name will appear at the top of the screen as
“*” is pressed
- Use the 1à6 keys to
operate sounds, smoke and other functions
- Smoke units typically draw too much current to be operated directly by
the Revolution receiver
- An accessory board for smoke control is included with the system
- The black “signal” wire from the smoke unit goes to the
common Auxiliary terminal
- The white “signal” wire from the smoke unit goes to one of
the lettered wires.
- Both smoke units now go through the smoke control unit
- Revolution article from the Aristo-Craft Insider
- Will control up to six track side accessories such as switch motors
- In a very short time you can control speed up, speed down, forward,
backward, stop & sounds without looking
- Very responsive – especially when following an engine along as you
test track that has been through a Pittsburgh winter!
- Accepts commands to accelerate even when in the process of reversing
- Could use a “lock” button to keep from accidentally hitting
menu or <<T and losing your loco!